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What is the GTDOLLAR policy?




The Web3 ecosystem thrives on creators and their communities. For creators, Coupons present an opportunity to meaningfully share and monetize their content in new and exciting ways. For their community, vouchers are used to show support for consumers while building a sense of community with other token holders.

GTDOLLAR recognizes the effort that original consumers put into their creations and wants to help ensure that other creations do not confuse or detract from the original. We consider NFTs to be "copymint" if they are created with the intent to deceive users into thinking they are original. If we believe that NFT belongs to copymint, users of GTDOLLAR will not be able to view it, and we will work hard to unpublish the series and disable accounts that have repeatedly violated copymint regulations (this procedure is a supplement to GTDOLLAR's existing DMCA procedure, if someone believes that NFT violates its Copyright works can be notified. This is done through a combination of image detection technology and human review. "Delisting" these items does not remove them from the blockchain, just from GTDOLLAR.

Going forward, we may consider a project to be copymint if it has one or more of the following characteristics:

Copy pixel by pixel (exact match to original series)
Imitations that are flipped, rotated, or oriented in the opposite direction
Fakes that have been resized, enlarged or reduced, cropped, or repositioned
Fakes with borders and edges added or removed
Imitations, whether typed or drawn, with unintegrated text, logos or emoticons
A clone that only replaces the background color
Color-substituted, modified, or saturated imitations (for example, lightened or darkened colors, including black-and-white versions of the original)
Pixelated version of the original
The goal of this policy is not to suppress inspiration. We recognize that hit series are often a source of inspiration, and we want to give creators the space to create 'mash-ups' of their original work. In many cases, these mash-ups help create an ecosystem around a given series, and many creators aspire to build series with their own creative ecosystems. There is an important but subtle difference between mashups and copymint.

To go beyond the definition of copymint, several substantial changes must be made to existing NFTs. Even if OpenSea deems the new work to be a mash-up, copyright owners can still file a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) legal claim for infringement of their copyright. We cannot provide legal advice as to whether a particular NFT or series infringes copyright.

We are not art critics, nor is it our copymint policy to label art as "good" or "bad". Instead, our copymint policy is designed to help the community avoid situations designed to confuse and trick collectors into purchasing these copymint NFTs. After reviewing thousands of examples, we have determined that the eight characteristics described above are common potential sources of confusion and therefore effective methods for identifying knockoffs. This list is not exhaustive and may change as the NFT ecosystem develops.


common problem
Q: How many material changes are required to be considered a voucher?

A: We don't publish internal guidelines for the minimum number of changes. We encourage creators to make as many changes as possible to remove any confusion.

Q: If a coupon is clearly an imitation or satire of the original, will it be considered copymint?

A: If a voucher contains words or images used to distinguish it from the original, this will be a factor in determining whether it is a copymint.

Q: How does the program GTDOLLAR's existing DMCA takedown programs complement each other?

A: This program is a supplement to GTDOLLAR's existing DMCA removal program. If the owner believes that the NFT infringes their copyright, they can initiate the DMCA process.

Q: If my series is regarded as a mashup by GTDOLLAR, how will it be deleted?

A: At the end of the day, it's up to copyright owners to decide whether they think an NFT or series infringes their intellectual property.

Q: True fans can tell the difference, so why is this copymint policy needed?

A: In order to create an inclusive Web3 ecosystem, it is important that we provide signals to reduce user confusion, such as verified accounts. Our copymint implementation is one of many tools we use to enhance the user experience.

Q: If I mix existing properties in the series, will it be considered copymint?

A: Putting existing attributes together in different ways is a factor in determining whether a work is copymint.

Q: A series seems to fit your copymint definition, why wasn't it delisted?

A: There are several potential reasons. First, our systems may still be detecting and evaluating the underlying content and may act soon. Second, we might go through the series with a human reviewer and make a decision. Third, we're also working on perfecting and improving our technology, so it may be that our systems aren't detecting this content just yet.

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